At Volunteers for Recovery – It is necessary to provide prompt and consistent care for residents entering Volunteers for Recovery. Certain steps need to be taken to ensure the resident is an appropriate fit. Upon first contact with the potential resident, whether by phone or in person, Volunteers for Recovery staff will screen the potential resident to determine whether or not they are an appropriate fit for Volunteers for Recovery by applying the following admission and exclusion criteria:

volunteers recovery guidelines

ADMISSION CRITERIA (potential resident must meet all of these)

  • Be admitted voluntarily
  • Be 18 years of age or older
  • Be medically stable. Any individual with ongoing medical problems, including dual diagnosis, may be accepted if they are addressing these problems with an outside provider
  • Have adequate control over their behavior and be assessed not to be imminently dangerous to oneself or others
  • Express a desire to recover from addiction to drugs or alcohol
  • Have the capacity for active participation in all phases of the program
  • Be ambulatory and meet personal needs without assistance

EXCLUSION CRITERIA: (potential resident may not be admitted)

  • We cannot accept people on the sex offender registry.
  • Have clinical manifestations that meet the criteria for a more intense level of care
  • Have severe permanent deficits in recent memory, attention, and concentration, cannot attend effectively to activities of daily living, and whose cognitive impairment that prevents them from understanding and participating in the program.
  • Have ongoing medical issues, which require a more intense level of monitoring and care than can be provided by Volunteers for Recovery

**If the potential resident is determined to be inappropriate then appropriate referrals will be provided. **

exclusion guideline


Please fill out the form and submit it to our residence team. They will follow up and provide you with whatever information you seek.